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An Epic Adventure 

at the California Fire Museum. 

"Won't You Be Our Sponsor?"

Mr. Rogers approached difficult and necessary topics in a way that touched the lives of millions. We will to do the same with our safety learning center and fire museum.  


Be a part of creating a one-of-a-kind home where the topics are their own customized adventure. Our center and museum will intertwine technology and "wow" factor to engage interest and critical thinking skills. Additionally, who wouldn't be naturally curious about fire engine evolution and the tools carried then, and now.  


Our interactive learning experiences will intrigue the senses of all ages. The exhibits at our museum will build community resilience while, at the same time,  preserve the heritage of the fire service.


As a sponsor, you will help save lives. We can all be heroes by answering the call. 


Become a Member

As we light the way for future generations, you are invited to become a member of the Call to Adventure.

Your membership supports the operations and construction of the safety learning center and museum .


We appreciate your generosity and are excited to that you've decided to join us! 

Green Abstract

Advocate - $150 Annually

  • A quarterly email with current news and updates

  • A Call to Adventure window decal

Partner - $300 Annually

  • A quarterly email with current news and updates

  • A Call to Adventure window decal

  • A bimonthly digital newsletter

Patron - $600 Annually

  • A quarterly email with current news and updates

  • A Call to Adventure window decal

  • A bimonthly digital newsletter

  • A challenge coin

Champion - $1,200 Annually

  • A quarterly email with current news and updates

  • A Call to Adventure window decal

  • A bimonthly digital newsletter

  • A challenge coin

  • An annual holiday ornament

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Thank You for Your Support
Membership Form
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